Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sultan Kosen

You may or may not have heard, but there is a new "Tallest Man on the Planet" walking around. Sultan Kosen, standing 8'1" tall, hails from Turkey. His growth is attributed to a tumor, which was removed last year. His abnormal growth left him with medical issues, particularly stress on his knees, and he now has to use canes to perform many physical activities.

Part of me feels sympathetic towards him - he has to have clothes specially tailored, his bed had to be custom made (3 meters long!), and of course, he will have lingering health issues for the rest of his life. However, Mr. Kosen seems to be taking it all very well. He hopes his newfound fame will help him find love, and ultimately, get married.

The fame, however, may be the biggest blessing, or the worst curse he may encounter. Yes, he does hope that with fame, people will learn to understand him and not be fearful of his size, but my wishes go to his privacy. The previous record holder, Leonid Stadnik (who is actually taller, but was stripped of his title due to his unwillingness to be measured - he stands 8'5"), spoke in regards to the media attention towards himself; “I will agree if it makes me healthy or long-liver, but everything was on the contrary and damaged my nerves.” Hopefully Stadnik's response will be taken to heart, and if and when Kosen asks for privacy, he can get it.

Read the full story here:


  1. I saw this article on bbc too and as a member of the "horizontally-challenged" I applaud his courage and think it would be funny if he wore a top-hat as that would further increase his relative height, riotous.

  2. damn, i want to see this giant haha.. crazy story
