Look, it's sexy Indiana Jones!
I have a confession: I hate Halloween. This is unpopular with Halloween enthusiasts young and old and I have been met with looks of utter disgust when I tell people that, yes, I hate Halloween.
First, I don't like manufactured scary things (movies, haunted houses, etc.). The world is a frightening enough place as it is. I don't need to watch some woman being hacked up with a chainsaw by a masked man for entertainment.
Second, I don't like costumes. I've always had an fear, although I admit, an irrational one, of mascots. At profession sporting events I would cower behind family and friends as not to be seen by the mascot (what is this anyway?!). I don't know why these people in furry get-ups think that they can give me a hug, pat my head, and honk my nose just because they are in a costume.
As an adult, something new bothers me about Halloween. Yes, it's fun to get together with friends for a Halloween party. And like Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Arbor Day, Halloween is another excuse to drink. However, when I was younger I dressed up as a rabbit; a bag of Jelly Belly's; and as a pair salt & pepper shakers with a friend. However, there is a current trend with women and girls to dress up as, for a lack of better work, a hooker. The trend epidemic is so popular, there is even a name for it: Slutoween.
Women will put on a mini-skirt, stilettos, a bra, and some ears, and voila! She's a sexy bear. Leggings + tank top + ears= a sexy cat. Basically, a scantily clad outfit + ears = the standard female Halloween costume.
I don't have a problem with miniskirts--wear whatever you want, respect yourself, and have fun. My issue with the Slutoween epidemic is the lack of creativity and the fact that Slutoween has been marketed to girls. Frankly, it's gross how early girls are sexualized and not just on Halloween. Check out Limited Too or Abercrombie Kids; tight t-shirts and mini skirts are marketed to little girls as young as four.
You might say that girls want to wear sexy costumes. I argue that they "want" those costumes because it is the only thing that is marketed to them. Walk into any store that sells clothes or costumes and you'll find completely gendered boys and girls sections. Boys are sold Batman costumes and girls are sold mini dresses that resemble princesses or witches costumes. It is so ingrained in our culture that no one seems to notice anymore.
Mean Girls brought this phenomenon to the mainstream when the main character Cady states, "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." Yeah, that's pretty scary.
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Its really disheartening when you think of all the fun memories of trick-or-treating with a group of friends and parents around age 6-12, then think of those memories juxtaposed with the skanky costumes and blood and gore... Halloween is really a weird holiday.
ReplyDeleteOh god, I loathe Halloween...I'm supposed to wear any kind of costume to work (at a bar) the night before Halloween and I'm already thinking about calling in.
ReplyDeleteAnd holy shit. That link is scary. What kind of parent lets their child model in costumes like that?!
I also am not a fan of halloween. I am proud to say that I have not gone trick or treating since eighth grade. It isn't that I hate being a kid, or the fun aspects of halloween its just that I find it lame to walk around knocking on doors for candy, but there was a time I totally dug it, just not anymore. And ladies costumes are all about the slut factor, for sure.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I will wear a costume on the 31st, just as we all do every day.
Ok, well I'm going to go ahead and say that Halloween is also the one day during the year when it's acceptable for me show up in society as Flash Gordon. And to have Queen's theme song to the 70's sci-fi flick of that title play every time I enter a room.
ReplyDeleteI love Halloween.
I agree, I am not a big fan myself. I always for some reason give in and get a costume and partake in festivities. One of these years I'll cease operation Slut-oween.
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ReplyDeletei think we should blame this guy:
fact: the older I have gotten, the more I hate halloween. I miss trick-or-treating!
ReplyDeleteWell you know what would be really fun? Instead of dressing up great costumes and hanging out with friends and acting deviant on the one night of the year it's acceptable - instead of doing that - lets all just sit on our hands quietly.
ReplyDeleteThat'll show em...yeay...
I'm actually with you on the hating of Halloween.
ReplyDeleteAs unpopular as it is, I'll be the first to admit I appreciate the slut-oween part of it. However I myself hate dressing up, and do not understand the fun in it.