Friday, September 25, 2009


click me

man, i remember when the bat mobile was a pretty big deal.


  1. This is amazing, I especially enjoyed life-size replica and reflection.

  2. my little brother loves legos! he's gonna go crazy when i show him this!

  3. the bat mobile will always be a pretty big deal.

  4. I've always been a fan of that Iwo Jima picture, so that was a neat one. I really liked "Grey" too. It's cool when people do squares with legos alongside texture, because the flat surfaces are so perfect while the textures are a bit choppy on faces and other shapes.

  5. Legos were like my all time favorite toy as a kid! My mother constantly stepped on them walking in the dark and would yell at me for not picking them up. Very cool pic!

  6. I loved playing with Legos, and technix was it? Those spin off of legos where they had moving parts and you could make robots? Awesome stuff. Legos aren't quite the same as they used to be though..

  7. i saw a lego exhibit in montreal like a hundred years ago. there was a hundred foot sphinx or some crazy business like that

  8. Legos were my childhood so I love seeing them mentioned here. Whoever created these lego creations is amazing, yet maybe a little crazy. Seems like he never let go of his childhood, lucky guy.
