Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I love octopi (octopuses, octopodes), I know they make a lot of people uneasy ("they have eight legs and a beak! that shouldn't be biologically possible!"-a friend... you know who you are... psshh hater) but I genuinely adore these creatures.
Things You May Not Know About Octopi: (graciously borrowed from
1. they have arms, not tentacles--Tentacles are longer than arms. Tentacles usually have suckers only at their tips.

2. There are three plural forms of the word octopus.They include octopi, optopuses, and octopodes.

3. An octopus has three hearts.Two hearts are used to pump blood to each of the octopus' lungs and the third pumps blood throughout the body.

4. Octopi are highly intelligent.They are believed to be the smartest of all invertebrates and show great skill at problem solving (instead of relying on instincts).

5. Octopi can fit into small crevices.Since they have no internal or external shell or bones, they can manipulate their body to fit into tight spots.

6. Octopi can annihilate sharks, and probably any other animal that tries to fuck with them.

I think they might be the most interesting animal on the planet; they are intelligent, beautiful and true badasses. You don't think so? Check out this video for further proof.

yes... that just happened.

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