Wednesday, September 30, 2009

mmmm... banksy

"when I was a kid I used to pray every day for a new bicycle. Then I realized God doesn't work that way, so I stole one and prayed for his forgiveness."
I'm not sure of the origin of this quote, but the first time I entered the website of graffiti artist Banksy this is what greeted me. I was sold before I even took the time to search through his extensive catalogue of graffiti art (divided by "outdoors" and "inside" which are both fantastic) and after looking through I was made a believer. Banksy is the man. An artist. A satirist. A true anarchist if there ever was one.
Check it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted this. I've been following Banksy for years. He is a true enigma. Check out one of my favorite pieces by Banksy. It was done on the outside of a tavern...
