Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Freestyle after you got drunk and stoned
Hip Hop represents the Black Culture.
I am 100% sure that Hip Hop does not always represent the black culture or the black community.
Some raps musics are very wack, and it riuns young americans. The rap musics it all about violence, sex, money, cars, jail experience, and how good he/she is.
Rap, Hip Hop, would not be recommended to children for their better future. Those musics are very wrong. Although Hip Hop are NOT such great musics, some rappers make at lot of money by doing it.
A video here. WATCH THIS.
Some raps musics are very wack, and it riuns young americans. The rap musics it all about violence, sex, money, cars, jail experience, and how good he/she is.
Rap, Hip Hop, would not be recommended to children for their better future. Those musics are very wrong. Although Hip Hop are NOT such great musics, some rappers make at lot of money by doing it.
A video here. WATCH THIS.
Luther and the unity of the churches
TAKE A LOOK HERE, thanks!!!
TAKE A LOOK HERE, thanks!!!
Oh damn my phone got taken away!!!

Everytime when I met someone I like to make them call me first so we could hangout at parties then probably go and have sex.
Oh well, I am an athletic, I play soccer, basketball, and all different sports. Women are just all over me. I dont spend energy to talk to them. They come and talk to me and I just answered to their questions. By the end of the night, they decided to spend a night with me.
I am so lucky to be who I am. Oh thanks UVM for your consideration. I am from the cities far from burlington, VT. I told women that I hated vermont because it is too sketchy while I got everything for granted, for free.
I am from NYC. I do whatever I wanted. My friends are from other cities than NYC. They do the same as me. We are lucky to hate burlington VT and have all the FUN by ourself.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Being bored is good for you! The more often you got bored the more often you got smarter. People gets bored because they can not manage the times and do not know what to expect? When you are under big stresses, and you don't have a better job then you screw up.
Someone should live without any stresses and worries. There are several ways of stresses. School could be one of them? Friends, a relationship, family, transportation, possibly yourself were few of most stresses that I thought of.
Don't let those stresses take over you! Try to manage stresses and find resources that could help you with it.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Ah, the legendary energy swords made
Famous by the genius of George Lucas.
The embodiment of ancient power
And spiritual energy.
The ultimate phallic symbol for the
Intergalactic nerd.
God, what an amazing creation.
Famous by the genius of George Lucas.
The embodiment of ancient power
And spiritual energy.
The ultimate phallic symbol for the
Intergalactic nerd.
God, what an amazing creation.
A question?
1. Americans behaviors toward refugees or immigrants from Africa, Asia, Europe, and Middle East
2. Who is an African?
3. Sports vs Coaches
4. Didn’t make the athletic team? What is next?
5. Beating a coach up on the street a good idea?
6. How many coaches got their ass beat up?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mercedes-Benz, Lumumba

What is the most expensive car in the world?
What is the tighest car in the world?
What is the most lasting/durable car in the car factories?
If you wanted to be respected by other people, then drive a mercedes-benz. Mercedes-benz is the most expensive car in the world. People loves these cars but can't afford them because it cost too much to buy, and too much to repear them.
Get one mercedes-benz after your graduation
White Women

White women are beautiful. Especially when they are young, you just can't stand them. They are very attractive and soft.
All black students here at UVM have had an experience with at least one white woman. They love us, and we like them. It is mutual.
A real black man has to spend a night with the cutest white woman in his school for the record. If you are a black man and never done so than you are a dead slave.
Fantastic Mr. Anderson

I love Wes Anderson. Mr. Anderson is responsible for such films as Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Life Aquatic, The Darjeeling Limited, and my person favorite, The Royal Tenenbaums. What I love about Wes Anderson is his simplicity, his understanding of human communication (or the lack of it), and his incredible attention to detail. And, not to mention, his brilliant soundtracks.
His latest film is an adaptation of Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr. Fox. It's Anderson's first animated film in which it utilizes the very tedious stop-motion animation. It premieres November 25 and I, for one, cannot wait.
Trailer below:
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
In light of all the mash-up talk, I decided to compile some that I've found along the way.
Pineapple Express/ Toy Story
A new look at Mrs. Doubtfire
This isn't so much a mashup as it is just replacing human heads with muppet heads. It's still kinda funny.
I don't know why the toy story mashups are so good but here's another mixed with The Dark Knight
Pineapple Express/ Toy Story
A new look at Mrs. Doubtfire
This isn't so much a mashup as it is just replacing human heads with muppet heads. It's still kinda funny.
I don't know why the toy story mashups are so good but here's another mixed with The Dark Knight

Boots were cool but heavy to be wore everyday to school. When it rains I wore them, and when its not raining I don't wear them.
Back in Africa, people don't wear cloth depending on the weather. You could find some people wearing a winter clothe from the US, or Europe during the summer time in Africa.
Basketball sneakers are the tightest shoes in the world. It could be wore during the basketball games, while side walking, playing other sports, and running. I would recommend that everyone should at least owns one basketball sneaker or more.
Get some here they are FREE. Free basketball sneakers from YILumumba Donation Program
Getting A Good Email
Have you ever wonder how wonderful it is to be happy about a result?
If you were an individual who supposed to be killed by someone because they dislike you, then suddenly you received a letter from some superiors telling you that they arrested those haters.
People don't like each other because they think that one was superior to another, and one was better than another. I guess being a positive minded person, and loving each other is the best way to deal with the society.
Let me tell you something, you better off get ready to live the American dream rather than to be in jail without any hope.
If you were an individual who supposed to be killed by someone because they dislike you, then suddenly you received a letter from some superiors telling you that they arrested those haters.
People don't like each other because they think that one was superior to another, and one was better than another. I guess being a positive minded person, and loving each other is the best way to deal with the society.
Let me tell you something, you better off get ready to live the American dream rather than to be in jail without any hope.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Doctor Shadowing: Medquest
Hello everyone,
I guess shadowing doctors and doing health care trips while being in high school it is a very good ideas to think about.
If a student is interested to go to medical school or to study medicine in college, you would need to get ready for it, intellectually, physically, and morally.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Man Without A Head

I recently received a disc of 16 award winning short films. L'Homme Sans Tete (or Man Without a Head) was one of the first ones I watched. Luckily I found it again online. I highly suggest setting aside the 18 minutes it takes to watch this. It makes you think and is quite unusual and visually pleasing.
The movie's tag line: The man without a head will meet his true love tonight. For this occasion, he shall buy a head.
watch it here:
If you decide to take the time to watch this, let me know what you think.
I have so many questions as to what it would be like if we lived in a world of interchangeable heads... how would we recognize anybody? It makes you think about how much we take our heads for granted. Weird but true.
Guatemala Kite Festival

In the spirit of all of my other halloween posts-- why not stick with a similar theme.
The All Saints Day (or as some know it- Day of the Dead) Kite Festival in Santiago, Guatemala, is a beautiful tradition. Local residents dress in bright colors and go to the graveyards to fly their kites in hopes of communicating with the dead.
These are not your average windy-day kites. No, these are hugeeee.. ranging from 24 to 36 meters. They're typically circular, colorful and designed with a religious theme. Though made out of just bamboo, cloth and paper wire-- they can sustain heavy winds.
It's a way to enjoy remembering the departed and coming together with other loved ones. It can be a fun way to compete with neighbors in kite races and just feel unity within the community.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Drunk Ewoks
Alright, I've been pretty good about not posting youtube clips but I just had to make an exception. Maybe it's cause I'm a star wars nerd,
maybe it's cause there's been so much halloween talk but this clip seemed appropriate. I also think it's pretty hilarious.
The moon walk has got to be my favorite part
Monday, November 2, 2009
To add to my festivities on halloween, I'd like to share this incredibly ridiculous story with you all:
So it's pretty difficult to find a cab on Halloween night, they are completely full to the point where those sketchy black and silver taxi cabs pull up to people offering their taxi services. Word to the wise-- don't accept those offers. But this story does not have to do with sketchy taxis, no, but it does start with the attempt to hail one. My friend was holding his umbrella out-- a feeble attempt to hail the bustling new york city cabs. A guy who seemed like he was in rush asked my friend "Can I borrow your umbrella?" Before my friend even had a chance to respond, this guy yanked his umbrella from him and continued to run towards another guy. At first I thought he was trying to steal the umbrella, which seemed kind of pointless seeing as it wasn't raining and umbrellas are relatively cheap. Well, I was wrong-- he took the umbrella to use it as a weapon against someone else. He went to go beat down on this other guy when we saw his opponent catch the umbrella with one hand and turn the whole fiasco around on him. This was complete with yelling angry woman in the background-- "Bobby NO!!! Don't hit him," screeching and yelling ensued-- I'm guessing someone didn't abide by the "bros before hoes" code.
All of a sudden this altercation erupted in a flurry of people running out into the street. There were about 7 people in the middle of the street, in the middle of traffic, all out going at it, umbrella and all. My friends and I thought it smart to perhaps move somewhere else seeing as it seemed to be getting pretty serious. Soon enough the cops were involved, running after all the culprits down the street but to no such luck as to catch them.
My friend was left with a bloody finger and we were all a little bit scarred after it happened. Shocked and slightly amused, we decided to take the subway.
Halloween in NYC
So I spent Halloween in NYC.
Let me just say there is really nothing like it. Everyone is dressed up and if you're not then you're just that guy (or girl) who is too cool to be seen in a costume. And ok-- there is definitely a lot to be said about slutoween (namely that I despise this aspect of halloween)-- I'd like to propose that there are at least some people out there with some creativity. I don't really feel like the skank outfits are excused by the fact that it's halloween-- if you choose to take that route with your costume, I mean... you had a choice there.
ANYWAYS, totally not judging!
Luckily I got to snap some photos while I was out there in the big apple--
my personal favorite of the night:
here's another that I liked, right near union square:
And one more:
so come on people, halloween 09 has come to a close but put on your thinking caps for halloween 2010, be creative, innovative, weird....you can do it!
Paranormal Activity

If you haven't heard about Paranormal Activity yet, you must be hibernating because people are a buzz about this thriller. I haven't seen it yet but despite mixed reviews, I think I'll probably make my way to the theatre.
What is incredible about this movie is the budget that was used to make it (only $11,000).
It was shot in the director's house-- with a crew of three and a cast that was quite small.
The shoot lasted a mere seven days.
The first I heard of this movie was through my Dad in a text message. "Have u heard about this movie Paranormal activity? It's supposed to make people afraid of their own bed."
The trailer for the movie is a bunch of reactions to it. People getting freaked out mostly and squirming in their seats.
If anyone has seen it, let me know what you think, if it's worth being freaked out for the next couple of days.
Now, I know we generally aren't fans of the youtube posts, but I found this video the other day and I think it absolutely kicks ass.
I'm not a Chargers fan, and I don't particularly care for Ladainian, but I thought it was perfect. I really liked how they built his childhood up, then incorporated his experiences through the years in the final touchdown. I feel like this is something we can definitely relate to and inspire us. I believe that who you are today is a direct reflection of your life experiences, and if you can use them the right way, you will fulfill your own destiny.
Besides, Morricone is a damn good composer.
I'm not a Chargers fan, and I don't particularly care for Ladainian, but I thought it was perfect. I really liked how they built his childhood up, then incorporated his experiences through the years in the final touchdown. I feel like this is something we can definitely relate to and inspire us. I believe that who you are today is a direct reflection of your life experiences, and if you can use them the right way, you will fulfill your own destiny.
Besides, Morricone is a damn good composer.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thinking about Wal-Mart
I was at Wal-Mart the other day, and as I was waiting to check-out, there was an old woman trying to pay in the aisle next to me. I mean, she was like REALLY old. Bent over, shaky voice and gestures, etc. However, they wouldn't accept her check. I'm not sure why - I didn't quite hear what they were talking about. So her total was like $40-something, but she only had $17 in cash. The cashier then proceeds to unbag things until her total is below $17, then another employee comes and unceremoniously carts the stuff off back into the store. I guess the manager came over to see if the cashier was fine, and she sorta rolled her eyes and said it wasn't a big deal. Now, I'm all about capitalism, but shit - that sort of thing is depressing.
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