In the spirit of all of my other halloween posts-- why not stick with a similar theme.
The All Saints Day (or as some know it- Day of the Dead) Kite Festival in Santiago, Guatemala, is a beautiful tradition. Local residents dress in bright colors and go to the graveyards to fly their kites in hopes of communicating with the dead.
These are not your average windy-day kites. No, these are hugeeee.. ranging from 24 to 36 meters. They're typically circular, colorful and designed with a religious theme. Though made out of just bamboo, cloth and paper wire-- they can sustain heavy winds.
It's a way to enjoy remembering the departed and coming together with other loved ones. It can be a fun way to compete with neighbors in kite races and just feel unity within the community.

This is amazing! I once saw a kite exhibit and it was truly amazing! So many of them were all made by hand and were so colorful and eye catching.